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The most notable departure from earlier Sonic video games is a brand new mechanic whereby Sonic can encircle objects with a path of sunshine to work together with them. There are additionally particular glowing partitions he can bounce from and run up.

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Sonic runs round, utilizing bumpers to propel him via the air he’s additionally proven using rails and utilizing some bubble-looking objects to chain a collection of jumps. The new footage comes courtesy of an IGN exclusive.Īll of the video takes place on an island with lush and sprawling, grassy plains. The video exhibits Sonic operating quick (shocker), grinding on rails, scaling large monuments, and making use of a brand new gameplay mechanic that includes a path of sunshine. A brand new seven-minute video reveals the island setting and its open world, in addition to how Sonic will get round it. We bought our first actual eyeful of the gameplay in Sega’s subsequent 3D mainline Sonic recreation, Sonic Frontiers, on Wednesday.

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